Thursday, April 7, 2011

Trail of Thoughts

If you expect this to be a well organized blog post, do not continue reading.  If you don't mind, feel free to continue reading...Haha.  And now that my disclaimer is out of the way...

I received the biggest compliment today that I've received in a long time.  In fact, it isn't very often that I get complimented with all that has been going on.  I wonder how much rest my body really needs.  I think my med combo has finally reached its greatest potential right now, so hopefully I'll be back up on my feet.  But it's hard to feel good about yourself if you aren't doing anything but laying around giving your body time to recuperate.  

ANYHOW...The compliment was from my best friend who told me that I was the old me.  That the old me was back and that I had been missing for the last couple months.  So, that was really good to hear.  I try so hard to still act like everything is okay, but some days, I'm a failure at it.  I'm not even sure if this will make sense to anyone who reads this...but it's hard to find the real me when life is tugging at you and the mask is on.  There is ONE person (maybe two) in this world that I will take the mask off for...and that one person saw me for me and noticed the change.  

I don't know what's caused the change.  The medicine combo that allows me to do things I love to do.  The change in the weather from rainy to sunny.  The talks I have had with others.  The encounters I've had with God recently.  I don't know.  Maybe a combination of them all.  But I do recognize the change.  And I'm thrilled that it is noticeable (even if it is only slightly) to my best friend.  

On another note, I hate fibro.  I was having a perfectly decent day where I was being productive, and now I hurt to do anything.  The roaming pain is back and I'm fatigued.  I have a headache and my hands keep going tingly.  There is so much more that I wanted to do today, and now I don't know if I'm going to be able to get it done.  Honestly, I just want to curl up in bed and watch a movie...but I don't really have the time to do that.  It's just annoying.  So, now I'm trying to figure out what I can do while I'm doing nothing.  

Let's see...Yup.  Nothin' is comin' to mind.  So, Anyhow.  That was my trail of thoughts.  Oh, and one of these days I'll record a few things for y'all.  Just a thought.  Okay.  Hope you were able to keep up with that trail!  Adios for now! 

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