Monday, April 25, 2011

Rainy Days

So, I was going to write a big ol' post today about everything that's going on.  BUT...I hurt too badly to do that.  It hasn't stopped raining today...I feel like all of Missouri is flooded by now.  However, we have more rain in the forecast for the next WEEK or so!  I call that ridiculous.  But this is a post to say:


I also cannot believe that IT is back. Idontwannatalkaboutit.

I hate pain.

I hate not having any meds to take on days like this to relieve the pain.

I hate that there is such a thing as chronic pain.

I hate that my body hates me when it rains.

I hate IT.

I think my life will be a miserable excuse for living for the next week or so, until the rain ends.  So, yeah.  Carlos (my heating pad) and Elliott (my heating blanket) will be my best company.  Too bad I need to go to class tonight.  I'd love to hang out with Carlos and Elliott ALL NIGHT AND DAY!!!

Oh, rainy days...

Post Script:  I'm bringing Carlos to class tonight!!!  :)  Think what you may, but it's the only way I'm going to sit through a 3-hr class!  Hahahahahahahaha.....

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