Friday, April 22, 2011

Eloi, Eloi!!!

Good Friday.  Holy Friday.  Great Friday.  Sad Friday.  So many names for one of the least favorite holidays of the Christian year.  However, it is one of my favorite days.  Actually, it is my favorite "holiday."  It isn't because Jesus died today, although that's greatly remembered.  But it is through the solemness of my day that I find peace.  Through the peace, I find atonement which can only happen if Jesus dies. 

We can only understand the true joy and meaning of Easter if we understand the true meaning of Holy Friday. 

So, it's a favorite.  Dearly sorry to those who disagree.  Anyhow, going on...I love what is cried out on the cross as it is written in Mark 15.  It is because it holds a deep meaning within the words.  It's from Psalm 22.  And unlike some theologies, I don't believe that Jesus was calling Himself forsaken by Himself (God).  I believe that Jesus was showing us a way to express our suffering and a promise of the lament.  There are always two parts to the lament (same with Psalm 22).  There is the suffering cry and then there is the praise/affirmation.  So, even just by crying out on the cross, there's still a lesson to be learned.  Sorry for those of you who think I'm going to far with it...but it's just where my heart lies. 

I think this is all I'll post tonight, as I have a busy night ahead of me.  Lots of thinking being done.  Lots of self-examination being done.  But hey, that's what today is all about.  It's Holy Friday. 

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