Sunday, March 27, 2011

Past the Food

Day 18
~ John 6:48-58
~ Proverbs 18

*Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you." - John 6:53 (NIV)

I'm not one who is big on diet fads.  They come and go and come again, but nothing seems to really be the "one."  But, fairly recently, I've started a diet, not to lose weight, but to help with the pain I've been experiencing for some months now.  If you hang around this blog much, you'll know that it is a gluten-free diet.  Although I've only been doing this for a little less than a month, it seems to be proving helpful with the pain and I clearly know when I eat something that is not gluten free. While I seem to have a choice in the matter, I really think that choice is becoming a permanent one because of the amount of help it has proven to be.  

Obviously, this verse is in the midst of Jesus' bread of life speech.  But, after celebrating the Eucharist tonight with the Emmaus/Chrysalis community, this passage jumped off the page as something that seemed very communion like.  And initially, it made me really frustrated.

Going back to the gluten free stuff...yes.  Communion bread (the kind most churches/events use) is DEFINITELY NOT gluten free.  So, tonight, I went up for a blessing rather than the communion meal, which was no less than awkward.  I never thought I'd ever have to go gluten free, so when it was a huge deal for one of my friends to not be able to take communion because her body rejects gluten, it really didn't catch me too off guard.  I wasn't really sure how she was feeling.  But going to an Ash Wednesday service at my home church, or communion Sunday at my home church, or even just to this Emmaus event and not being able to take communion because of this gluten free thing really irks me!  Yes, I have a choice...because I could take it and feel the worsened pain, but I'd rather not go through that again and again each time.  I guess it is merely out of the norm for me.  And then people look at you awkward when you've taken communion for however many years and now you aren't because you can't eat the bread?!?!  Of course, they don't understand or know that.  Hence the weird looks.  

Anyhow, I suppose I just needed to rant about that.  I am grateful for churches that have the gluten free cracker things.  It's still different than that wonderful homemade bread that sometimes is still warm.  But, at least I can partake in the meal.  

No matter how much this whole thing irks me, I think I see more to communion than just the bread and juice.  I've seen it before, but it's never been more prevalent than now.  Try to read that verse thinking of the bread and juice more of symbols of Jesus rather than food...and life more in the sense of joy/fulfillment.  

It seems to portray something much deeper than food can satisfy.  It cures a hunger, yes.  But it brings something that can change a lifetime.  It brings something that can calm one's soul.  It brings something that is a never-ending joy in life.  Of course, that's all about the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.  I just find it comforting to remember that though I won't partake of the elements of the meal, I still have the company and the life-giving element by coming to the table.  

Thankfully, Jesus allows for people with special food needs at His table!    


  1. Perhaps you could bring your own and dip it in the wine? Just a thought. Excellent as always! Love You!

  2. Yes. Perhaps. However, it still has gotta be blessed/concencrated in order for it to be communion. Lol.
