Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 3 - Blessed Discipline

Today's Scriptures:
~ John 1:29-34
~ Job 5-10
~ Proverbs 2

*Blessed is the man whom God corrects, so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty. - Job 5:17 (NIV)

One doesn't usually hear the word blessed and discipline in the same phrase. Especially when it is that one is blessed if God disciplines you! I don't think anyone likes discipline. I know that I certainly don't right now. But, I think it is DEFINITELY part of following Christ. We are called to put down our own ways and follow Christ, so if we aren't denying something that we should then yeah....God isn't cool with that. And yes, I just said that! :)

I believe a lot of us stray away from discipline because we perceive it as being painful. We think of the discipline of an athlete: "No pain; no gain." Or we think about when we were younger and mom or dad disciplined us by spanking. However, this discipline is different in that it doesn't generally imply physical pain (although, I suppose it could). It is more along the lines of your conscience kicking in and bugging you to death until you stop whatever you aren't supposed to be doing or start whatever you are supposed to be doing. It could be that person that catches you in the act. Or that invisible red flag that blocks your way of doing something you'd prefer against God's will. When I was young in my faith, and sometimes now-a-days, I would rebuke myself for things that I did wrong by doing physical exercises past the point where it would cause my body to exert lots of sit-ups, push-ups, an extra mile, etc. I would increase the number or count I would do if I did it again. It wasn't so that I would hurt myself for the sake of it. But so that way I would remember not to do it again. Part of discipline is being able to continue to do the good things, and continue not doing the bad things. So, I suppose it is my way of penance after asking for forgiveness from God. Now, my way of discipline is different than God's, but it reminds me of my commitment to change my ways. So, no worries. I doubt God will discipline you by making you run a mile or do 100 sit-ups, but He will discipline you if you want to walk in His Son's footsteps.

You may think I am crazy, but I don't want to do things that are contrary to God's will and way. So thus, I want to embrace discipline as being blessed by God, rather than just some painful "no-good" thing. Because I know, that through discipline, I will become more pure and holy like Jesus Christ and grow in my relationship with God.

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