Sunday, May 1, 2011

Purple Shirt Day!

Hello!  Today is a wonderful day.  Well, kind of.  It is purple shirt day 2011 for fibromyalgia and lupus awareness month!  Which is MAY!  SO...I definitely was sporting my awesome shirt that I made.  I am quite amazed at how many people were willing to listen to what fibromyalgia was and why I was wearing a purple t-shirt to church!  It was incredible to be able to tell people about the illness and just get the word out that it exists.  Perhaps curiosity will suffice the rest of their education! ;)

Honestly, that is about all I have for the blogging world today.  I hurt badly today.  Between the gluten-ful food I had yesterday and the rain today, I'm exhausted.  The migraine I had earlier has only improved a little bit.  I am hoping it will go away before classes tomorrow!!!  Beyond that, I'm a little sad about the few people that I will be leaving when I transfer schools.  It really is only a few, but it seems like the entire town.  Because of their smiles, I have made it this far.  So thanks to a pastor, a member of the English society, and a gal who poured out the hardest part of her life to me as I sat in my red chair until 3am one night.  I don't regret leaving here, but I certainly will miss these few people. 

Okay, so I had a bit more to tell you than I thought.  BUT...Now I'm done.  Wear that purple this month in support of the people struggling every day with fibromyalgia and/or lupus!!!  Thanks!!! 

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