Thursday, May 19, 2011


Titles are so bothersome.  It takes me forever to come up with one that relates to exactly what I want to say.  They say that you shouldn't come up with a title until the end so that it clearly portrays what you want the reader to catch from the writing.  Others say that it gives you some sort of a starting place to go off of.  Today, I find them to be bothersome.  So, here's the rant of the day.

Doctor's appt went well.  It was short.  I had an EXTREMELY low blood pressure and I got lots of samples! :)  My doctor thinks that it is a stomach ulcer or gastritis.  So, he gave me some antacid to take that is stronger than what I would find in a store and told me to call him mid-week if I wasn't doing better.  If I'm not doing better, they will be takin' a scope to my stomach.  (Not wanting that to happen...really hoping it is just an ulcer!)  My medicines and their multiplicity may be eating the lining of my stomach.  Blah.  Anyhow...ulcer anyone???

In other news, the job hunt is going alright.  I applied at lots of hotels today, with a pretty good chance of getting a job at a couple.  So, we'll see.  Only bad part...they are about 40 minutes away from home.  But, it won't be as bad once school starts back up in august. 

My sister is with me these next couple of days.  Not sure how I feel about that.  We'll be sharing the bed and so I guess we will see if we can get along.  I'm not too worried about it.  She's pretty awesome.  And, she's gonna pray the rosary with me tonight.  After I explained to her what exactly it was.  Lol.  She has lots of homework though, and I'm nearly dying, so hopefully she gets done soon so I can pray and sleep!!! 

Trying to stay positive even when all else around me seems to be falling.  So, I'm praying to be able to stay positive, find a job, and stay afloat with my health.  One day, I will go to Africa...and whether my health allows me to go with a program or not, I will still go.  I will not let anything keep me from going...not debt or health or those I love.  And I can't wait to go with my best friend!  I know that we can do anything that God sets in our minds.  I pray we keep the fire burning and do not let it die off like other fires we've had.  It must keep burning.  We must keep going.  No matter what! 

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