Tuesday, April 12, 2011

SO Exciting!

I am SUPER excited right now.  Not because I'm feeling well...Ha.  I'm about the same as yesterday.  Horrible.  BUT...Because I'm officially admitted to the school where I'm transferring as well as that whole thing is on the go!  So, I got my credit evaluation back and all of my credits will show on my transcript.  Not everything will count towards my degree program.  But, all of my classes will show.  (Not including this semester's classes.  Those I'm not sure about yet because i haven't completed them!)  Anyhow, I'm excited because progress is being made.  I have a registration date set - July 6th.  FOREVER away.  But it is still set.  I intend on scheduling a tour near the end of this month as well as an audition with the music department so that I can hopefully get more money!  Money results came in too with what financial aid I will be receiving.  Amazingly enough, the aid I've received should cover all my tuition expenses and student fees.  Since I'll be going to a private school, the expenses that I'll have as a commuter student are about the same as when I lived on campus going to a state school!  CRAZY!!!  Anyhow, I'm just glad we are moving forward with this process.  It calms my heart to know that I'm accepted and I will have the money I need to afford the transfer.  AND...Credit-wise, I'm not far behind what I should be.  Which is SO EXCITING!!!  

OH...And one other thing:  As of right now, I am going into the creative writing English program.  However, I'm honestly considering looking at the teaching program as my plan B since it is a more stable job than "I'm a writer."  So, that's exciting too.  Though, it would slightly add to my mess because I would need to student teach.  Which would be fun, if I am not headed off to seminary (across the country) for more schooling.  Haha.  And that may put me looking for a teaching job with everyone else in the world, rather than mid-way through the year - which sucks.  Anyhow, those are the exciting things in my life right now!

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