I'm convinced it is such! Well, that's kind of how I feel after talking to my rheumy. My vitamin D levels are normal. That's a good thing! My blood tests came back normal, except for my RA factor (which has been abnormal). My RA factor was 17 this time compared to the 20 and 19 during previous testings. So, technically it went down! :) Oh, AND my x-rays came back normal. I feel like all is going pretty well. My doctor however thinks otherwise, which is actually good since I'm still in pain.
He wants me to have a bone scan, to check further for inflammation. And he also wants me to start on this med that is an anti-inflammatory, which should help with the pain I'm experiencing. Wahoo. Stuff to help with the pain.
No matter what, I still feel like I'm swimming upstream. I feel like my doctor may be trying to prove that 2+2 equals 5. He seems convinced that it is rheumatoid arthritis, and I'm hoping and praying that he can't prove it. Though, to an extent, I wish I had some sort of concrete evidence for the pain I'm experiencing. Some sort of validation that I'm not making it all up. Some days are better than others; and some days I can do more than other days. However, those days that are better don't mean that I am better. I wish I had some sort of time frame, like with the z-pack...you take the antibiotic for five days, and then you're "most likely" better. If you aren't better, then you call your doctor. Unfortunately, I'm not experiencing this with the pain I'm having. And I wish there was more that I could do or show to give that confirmation. It would be easier on ALL my relationships with other people, whether it be family, friends, or even professors. I just seem to be struggling with this whole concept of having something that can't be proven by blood work or x-rays. So, perhaps the bone scan will show something.
In the meantime, I'll wait in the realms while 2+2 is proven to equal 5.
You don't have anything to prove to anyone else. How you feel, is how you feel and no matter what we love you! What you are going through is common and expected - it's just something that has to happen and there is a huge learning curve for everyone about this disease none of us had ever heard of prior to this. Hang in there! We love and support you no matter what!