*When the Sabbath was
over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices
so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body. Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb and they asked each other, “Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?” - Mark 16:1-3 (NIV)
I love mornings. I always have. I love mornings, like this one, where I can wake up at my own will to see the sunrise coming in my apartment window...even though my window faces north. Haha. I love waking up and being able to ease my way into my day. I can do my devotion time if I want to. I can make a good breakfast, waffles and sausage. Mmmm. I can write or read. And when I'm ready to begin my work day, I can shower and get ready leisurely. I don't like my mornings to be rushed.
I can just imagine the women headed to the tomb. By this point in time, they've had all the Sabbath day to try and rest with what happened to Jesus the night before. But I can imagine their thoughts. Thoughts of how the body will smell. Thoughts of what spices and oils to grab on the way out the door. Thoughts of how they will even get the tomb open! They wake up and they already have a million things on their mind about their day. Their morning is rushed, and before their day really even gets going, it turns out that Jesus has risen. There is no body to be oiled. There is no worries about the tomb stone being too big to roll back. Jesus turns their crazy, hectic "Monday" morning into a beautiful one (that is, after they momentarily freak out about where the body went...).
I wonder how many of us wake up already stressed about the day. I know I'm guilty of this often. However, each day is a gift from God. Each day is one to be remembered. Each day, God provides what we need. Sure, there might be a few surprises that cause momentary freak outs...but there is beauty in the morning. There is beauty in seeing the sunrise in all its splendor. There is beauty in each day. It might not be as obvious as a tombstone rolled back...but it is certainly there.
Enjoy today for what it is...A gift from God.
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