So, I've been thinking about what exciting things to write for this 100th post. I came up with nothing that you already don't know. If you're looking for exiting, see post #99 that I wrote yesterday! :) Otherwise, find out how I'm currently doing by reading this post...
Anyhow, I'm tired of not feeling well. This is the third day that I've woken up in horrible pain. I haven't slept well in FOREVER! No meds seem to be working. 4300mg of tylenol (do not lecture me) didn't even take the edge off Monday. I'm running out of options to take away the pain short from calling my doctor and asking for something else. Might I add that asking my nurse (aka, cousin) for pain meds is kind of awkward! But, I don't know what else to do. I have tried everything else that I know of from stretching to applying heat, from changing my diet completely to reducing activity. I don't know of anything else I can do to help the pain. It is becoming ridiculous when there are 70-degree, nice & warm days and I'm in as much pain as when it was 7-degrees! So...I may be calling the doctor's office later today and hoping that whoever picks up the phone and talks to my doc is understanding. Furthermore, now that I have a rheumy and a PCP, I don't know which one to call for all this. Lol. My rheumy has been treating me for RA pain, and my PCP has been treating me for my fibro pain and migraines (which haven't been any better either). The migraines come more often and are worse with the increased pain. So, I'm not sure what to do. Get on a preventative for the migraines? Stronger migraine med to take at onset? Med to help with the fibro pain? Increase fibro drug? (Though, I'm not even sure that will help with all helps with the sensitivity to touch that I have, but I'm not sure it would help with the fatigue and roaming pain.) ANYHOW...Those are my thoughts. I'm sick of being in pain and not sleeping well. I have a LONG day today and I am FAR from being ready to handle it. I am ready to just go back to bed. And ultimately...I'm just ready to be done with all this pain. It doesn't seem fair to have such a thing as chronic pain in this world.......
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