Clearly, the name of this blog is not English. In fact, it is Swahili for "decisions." I've been making a lot of decisions lately. Not to be a pastor was a HUGE decision. However, I'm finding a lot of freedom in that and finding my way in life, including my Purpose. I'm finding that there are ways outside of the pulpit that I can lead people to Jesus. And honestly, they are pretty HUGE ways.
I've decided to become a missionary. I want to go to Africa with the Maryknoll Lay Missioners. It is a Catholic organization that takes care of EVERYTHING you can imagine to make sure as much work for Jesus gets done as possible! Hopefully, I will be able to teach English and spend time with the lil' ones in Kenya! It is also a three and a half year program, with four weeks of vacation, a stipend to cover living expenses, and MUCH more! Honestly, it is my DREAM program.
But by now you've noticed that it is a Catholic organization. Why am I looking at a Catholic organization? Because I am joining the Catholic church. I have really been praying about my life and its direction. After really feeling like God wasn't calling me to be a pastor, I felt led to the Catholic church. I have a friend who is a pretty strong Catholic. After going to Mass a few times, I just feel more at home in the Catholic church. I've discussed, pretty extensively, what the Catholics believe. I have done TONS of research about their doctrine and every single thing I've ever disagreed with, I don't disagree with anymore. I just feel like going to the Catholic church is the right thing for me. As for the concepts of not taking communion for the next while and going to confession, they make me sad and slightly uncomfortable respectively, but I will press on and get through it. Confession only makes me a little uncomfortable because it is so foreign to me. But, I'm sure I'll get used to it. I love the reality of it. SO, I hope I will have the support of everyone in making this transition. Believe me, I have NOT taken this decision lightly. Most of you reading this know that I was born and raised United Methodist and have rarely strayed from that path. But, take comfort in that I fully believe that I'm a Christian believing that Jesus came to earth to die on a cross to save me. I am just going to follow where God leads me. It is a plus that there are MANY programs out there for missionaries in the Catholic church.
These are the decisions, or maamuzi, that I've been praying about and settling. I am open to discussion, but not debate. Thanks for your cooperation on that! Anyway, that's what's going on!!! Happy Dead Day!
My rosary. :) |
Prayers are continuing and I am willing to go to Mass with you whenever you want this summer!