I love the dreams I have for myself. The dream of becoming the best disciple I can be for Jesus Christ!!! The dream of going to Africa and LIVING in Africa amongst the people. The dream of learning all I can and serving all I can! I know these can be pretty abstract dreams, but in reality, they are very simplistic and concrete when broken down...
- I want to go through RCIA and become a Catholic.
- I want to join a class to study Scripture, or start one!
- I want to become an avid prayer warrior...someone that anyone can turn to when in need of prayer!
- I want to crochet a blanket...because I can!
- I want to get my health in order.
- I want to use music to touch people's hearts...to express God in an unspeakable way!
- I want to learn ASL and Swahili!
- I want to teach kids in Africa to know and love Jesus and about the world they live in.
- I want to publish a book...just for fun! :)
- I want to live simply...so no big house or lots of stuff!
- I want to love like Jesus loved and live like Jesus did with no regrets!
I think we make life too small. I know people always say that life is too short. But, we make life small. We don't ever dream! Dreams really can come true. Dreams don't have to be something that we hold in our hearts and never act upon. Sure, there are limits to what is physically possible...like, you may never be able to learn how to fly (unless you're okay with an airplane or parachute). Let's not limit God. Let's dream the impossible because God doesn't seem like the kind of Being that would be okay with just getting through life. Each one of us can be something great because that's what we were meant to be!!! It's how we were created!!!! :-) So.....
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