Monday, May 16, 2011


Today was BAD pain-wise.  At one point in time, I wanted to curl up in a ball and cry.  Instead, I just sat in bed with my best friend and continued in my crabby-I'm-in-pain mood.  Stress does NOT help the body adjust to the pain either.  So, when my mother told me about my brother's kindergarten graduation last minute when I had already made plans for the evening, it not only made me mad and annoyed, but also increased the pain!  Needless to say, I was not in a good mood at that point in time.  Haha.

HOWEVER, a few things happened today that kept myself afloat amongst the pain and stress:

1.  My picture taking extravaganza!

2.  Getting cheesy hashbrowns...and a lot of em!  10 boxes, 50 cents a piece...when it should have been 10 for $10...not sure how that worked out!  (Cute guy at the register??? Heehee.)  AND...M&Ms provided by my best friend with a huge glass of milk!  :)

3.  A fantastic back-rub that relaxed me and worked out a lot of the pain in my hips.  (Although, having fibro and getting a back-rub is sometimes quite painful considering that ya wanna go crazy every time a trigger/tender point is touched!  BUT...Nichole was fantastic about it (knowing where the tender points were) and proceeded with extreme caution.) 

Okay, so as I said...I had a picture taking extravaganza!  I might have an obsession with bright, still photo shots.  SO...Here's some of them from today, and one of my bro from the day we got to hang out! :-)  ALSO...After my picture taking extravaganza around St. Cletus Catholic Church, I ended up finding "my place."  I went and prayed the rosary there and found peace in ways that are unable to be spoken and yet conviction beyond comfort!  I loved it!  Such a pretty day and such a pretty place!!

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