Thursday, May 19, 2011

My Bubble

When I first found out about my parents' divorce, I FREAKED OUT!!!  My bubble had been popped.  The nice bubble I had around me was gone.  I was no longer confident that my parents would provide for me as the divorce progressed.  I was sure that I would have to financially put myself through school.  I was sure that I would never go home.  I was sure that my world, as I knew it, was coming to an end.  And in a was.

Finding a job in Springfield is no easy task.  Especially when you have no work experience and the want to avoid fast food places.  I applied everywhere!  Or so it seemed.  Hotels, banks, day cares, & stores...applications went out daily over the summer!  By the fall, my motivation decreased significantly!  I wanted to be a bum as I entered the school year with 18 credit hours worth of work!  An internet class was dropped so that I could stay sane!  But, a job was never found in Springfield...

Now, I'm living at home...well, at Dad's place.  And no classes are being taken this summer.  I have plenty of debt to rid myself of before Africa can happen.  My health has declined significantly with many doctor's appointments and their co-pays.  Gas prices have risen exponentially.  And I still don't have a job.  SO...The rest of this week and next will be spent filling out applications.  Filling them out and dropping them off.  Hoping and praying that someone will hire me for a bearable job!  I am actually excited to have work, but it's the getting the work that I'm not so excited about.

Anyhow, I've grown outside my bubble that I once had.  And while I've tried to rebuild it, the attempt has been extremely unsuccessful.  So, here's to finding work and living life!

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