I feel trapped.
No, not in a gay relationship or whatever you want to call it. And no. Not with some controlling woman like some of you think that Nichole is. I could end the relationship if I wanted to. And no. I don't want to end the relationship.
Nichole and I have mutually decided to post-pone the wedding until further notice.
No, this doesn't mean that the wedding isn't going to happen. Nichole and I will be together for life, so we want to have the wedding how we want it, and so we would like to be in a place financially so that our wedding can be the wedding that we have dreamed of since little girls. SO...We are not postponing it because you think it's a good idea. And that brings me to why I feel trapped.
Nichole and I have had many people spouting their opinions. Their opinions about our relationship and how we should act. Opinions on whether or not it should even happen in accordance with God's will. And I'm done listening to them. My heart tells me that I am fine, but society tells me that what I am doing is taboo. I'm trapped. I'm trapped between what I want and what society wants for me.
For those of you who I caught completely off guard by announcing this relationship, I'm sorry. For once I'm starting to live my life and love it. I can't tell you how happy Nichole helps me to be. When I'm with her, no matter if we were in a relationship or not, I feel comfortable and everything in my world seems perfect. It makes me crazy to think that some of you see our relationship as some sort of joke or fluke. It is very real. And so, if you're one of those people who love and care for me, I hope that you can see this happiness whether you agree with homosexuality or not. I know that Nichole and I made some mistakes early in our relationship, such as putting it on Facebook for the world to see, but we were just like any excited couple in love! We want your support and your love.
With that being said, I can't live how each of you want me to live. Recently, quite a few changes have taken place. I've announced that I am no longer in the candidacy process for becoming a pastor in the United Methodist Church. I have changed my major umpteen million times. I've told people about becoming an editor some day and even teaching children English in Africa. I've told you all about my decision to become Catholic. Of course, way in the beginning, I spent some time with my head covered. But all through it, I've begun to find myself. I've come out of the turmoil of my parents' divorce and started living for me. I still love God and He is still a huge part of my life, but I can't live my life how you have always dreamt it to be for me. It doesn't work that way. You get to live your life, please let me live mine. You may see that as being selfish, and I'm sorry if you do. But, I'm happy where I am at. I just wish that everyone could see the happiness instead of the politics when it comes to Nichole and me. It makes me sad to think that I live in a country that is hardly going to accept my relationship and only hope the best for my children in their journey.
In fact, I don't even want them being raised in this society/culture. A society that is so set in stone is dangerous. I want my children to learn to love God and love others as themselves. This means that they do have to love themselves (Mark 12:31 NIV). It is going to be ridiculous if the people I love most can't even accept me for becoming who I am.
So, please don't leave me trapped between society's wishes, your wishes, and my own hopes and dreams. It causes way too much turmoil for one soul to deal with, even if she has the woman of her dreams standing next to her through it all. Thanks. And respectfully comment if you so choose.
You cannot let others dictate your heart. You are the only one who knows what is best for you and your relationship with God. It is not for anyone else to say!