I haven't updated you all in a while, so I thought I'd do a "Ketchup" post. :)
All in all, I've been pretty good. This past weekend, I went down to the beach with my mom, her fiancee, his kid, my sister, my littlest brother Jacob. I had a good time. Wednesday night, after dance class, we headed down to Alabama where we picked up him and his crew. We didn't get in until SUPER late, or early...6am?! Then we snoozed for a lil' while at his place. Then, we packed our bags and hit the road for the beach. This trip was quite the ordeal as it was one of the few times that I was going down to AL, but also going gluten free.
It seems like everything in the south is fried. You've got fried tomatoes, fried chicken, fried shrimp, fried ANYTHING?! So, getting food was quite the challenge. The first two places we ate were a major fail. One night my plate had a roll on it. The second night I had fried jalapeno hushpuppies. Then we began to eat at places that were a little more friendly to me. One place had an allergy menu, so I could cross gluten off the list. The manager had to come and take my order and then brought out my food. It was so comforting knowing that they cared about people who couldn't eat gluten. The next place had a gluten free menu, so I just ordered off of it. I know my family isn't used to having someone around with food allergies, and I know my mom isn't a fan of this diet, but I think after this weekend, they are beginning to adjust to it. Even though they were impatient at times, they are beginning to see what I can eat and what I can't, which is a great start! (And I even made a conscious choice to pray before each meal, even if I was doing it alone!!!)
Eating gluten free isn't the only thing my family learned while we were at the beach. They also began to see that I can't do everything. I talk about my health a lot on here because it limits a lot of what I can and can't do. The first night at the beach, I was so worn out from the drive and lack of sleep that I couldn't even manage to get out of bed to go eat dinner. The second night I was able to go out because I paced myself. We also got to go play mini golf, during which I scored 2nd place!!! That was exciting! I wasn't able to spend Saturday on the beach because I had overdone myself the night before, but I was able to sit out with the family and play a game of Yahtzee! Unfortunately, I scored in 2nd place again?! Seemed to be a theme. Sunday, I riled myself out of bed to go to Mass at 8 in the morning! I was told we were to leave the condo at 10am, so I was under the impression that everyone would be pretty much packed and ready to load when I got back. Yeah, apparently not. Everyone was sleeping when I got back. Not so great! SO...I had a bowl of yummy goodness! :-)
Meet Yummy Goodness. This is a creation by Nichole, my best friend. It is vanilla ice cream, covered in strawberries (which have been soaked in sugar), and caramel topping. It is DELICIOUS!!! I eat lots of this because it makes me happy. Lol. I made sure I had this down south too. It is gluten free as all of the parts are gluten free! ;) So, I had a bowl of this for breakfast after I got back from Mass. BTW, Happy Pentecost half a week late! Of course, we got up and out of there eventually, but I was exhausted from it all! After the long 8 hour drive back from his place on Monday morning, Morgan and I had stage rehearsals. Now, she did most of the dancing, but not being home killed me. I also played around with the lights since I'm running lights this weekend and did a lil' dancing of my own for the alumni dance! Around 10:15pm, I finally arrived home. After unpacking, I crawled into bed grateful to have such a comfy bed!!! It was certainly a weekend!!!
Since then, I haven't done much. I got to go see Nichole for a little while yesterday. I was happy to see her, although she wasn't so happy to go back to season ONE on Prison Break when she was at a cliff hanger on season THREE?!?!?! But, she did...until she got her sister's computer to watch her episodes with headphones. Lol. Either way, we got to hang out for a while. OH...We also painted our toes again! I just put glitter on mine this week. It made up for her super cute pink and green toes with flowers!!! ;)
Anyhow, I am in a lot of pain today. I hate how fibromyalgia works...Ya never know when a bad day will come. But, I'll make it through. Really wishing I could find a job...It is driving me crazy! But, who knows?! Someday someone will hire me. Just hope it is sooner rather than later. I'm wondering if I still have ice cream here...if so, Yummy Goodness will be an order. Especially since I had M&Ms for breakfast. Lol. Great diet! I know! Hopefully this was a decent Ketchup! Much love!
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