Today, I asked the Facebook world what a best friend was. While I am not always the greatest best friend, I do have pretty high standards for someone to be my best friend. It is more than just being my closest friend. It is more than just liking me and me liking you. A lot of these qualities I say merely because it is part of being a decent person, but are pretty much required in friendship. Anyhow, I'll just get to the definition:
A best friend:
- is someone who knows the real you, which goes far beyond commonalities.
- is someone you can call at any hour and rely on them to be there.
- is someone who cares about you and treats you with respect.
- is someone who is brutally honest, even if it means hurting your feelings.
- loves you for who you are now and nothing more.
- does not judge you, but will tell you when you are in the wrong.
- is compassionate.
- is someone you can look up to.
- cheers you up when no one else can.
- has a shoulder to cry on.
- keeps no secrets from you and can hold all of yours.
- supports you.
- can talk about anything with you and vice versa.
- is someone you trust with your life.
Anyhow, that's my definition. While this definition seems like a perfect person, it is far from it...Mainly because we are human and my best friend has all of these! So that's all.
Not bad expectations. If both parties put in the 100% (not 50%/50%) then the friendship is always full. I hope that makes sense. Like if you are at 70% because you don't feel good. The other is filling the loss. Then so on. Anyways, having standards is NOT bad at all!