Since it is July, the Kelly family is gearing up to go OUT OF THE COUNTRY?!?!?! I take them to the airport on Friday afternoon for them to leave for their Baltic Cruise. I am terribly jealous, because I know they are going to have a PHENOMENAL TIME!!!!!!! Plus, I've never been out of the country, nor on a cruise ship, and they get to do both! So, that's really exciting for Nichole and her family. It'll be exciting to hear all of their stories when they return. As they gear up to go cruisin', I am learning all I can about taking care of their pets. They have two dogs (easy!!!), two bunnies (which are ADORABLE), and two birds (which seem easy, but still are a bit scary). Today, I got out the bunnies to love on them a while while Nichole was at work. They are so cute and totally worth the coated clothes!!! Okay, legitimately, my clothes are COVERED in bunny fur. I changed completely afterwards. As I'm getting to know the bunnies and being able to get them out by myself, I'm feeling more comfortable with taking care of them. I don't want their animals to be cooped up in a cage for two weeks, so being able to get them out and back in without any huge obstacles is comforting!!! And while Ashes likes to cuddle, Emily is active and fun to play with. She is slowly growing on me! :) As for the birds, I'm learning. They are seeming easier to handle than what I first imagined. Ruby, the African Grey, doesn't really care for me, but I'm learning tricks for how to deal with her. I learned how to feed Freckles, the cockatiel, last night. He isn't too bad, and while he enjoys flying, he was hurt last week in a flying adventure so in recovering for that, he is not flying much. His wings were clipped. So, while he may not like me very much, at least I don't have to chase him around too much! Haha. The dogs, Bailey and Clyde, are easy to take care of. They like their food wet, which is gross, but whatever?! Lol. They are the most laid back, well-behaved dogs I have EVER encountered!!! They listen to me better than my own dog, Jax, listens to me!!! So, needless to say, I'm learning how to take care of their most precious family additions.
I'm much better today than I was yesterday. I really don't like this new med that I started last week. It makes me extremely tired and groggy. I sleep 10+ hours a night, which I really can't afford to get into the habit of. No issue of insomnia there!!! My body hurts still, but what's new?! I am doing better in the long run, but I still seem to be in more pain than I should be in. After a talk with my best friend last night, I think it would probably be best to try a different course in meds or something! The physical therapy is helping, but outside of the sessions, I'm not doing the greatest at keeping up with it. The exercises are not as simple as they seem and I fear I am doing them wrong when I do them. BUT, it is nice to walk out of a PT session with pain levels as low as 1! Hopefully, my rheumatologist can figure out why my rheumatoid factor is high and why I still have tons of joint pain even though I'm on a medicine used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. I should see some sort of difference two months into the med, right??? Anyway, I think as my life gets put back in order and I catch up on my finances, the lowered stress will be able to lower my pain levels a bit too. Perhaps not to a zero, but at least some.
Okay, I'm getting bored of talking about my health, so on to something else?!
Oh, I was able to visit some family from England yesterday. That was fun! Exhausting, but good! I am still struggling to figure out some things regarding my more immediate family, but that's not for the blogging world to see. Sorry! But, prayers are appreciated as I discern what to do and how to go about doing it! Thanks!
Anything else you want to know, you can always comment or email me! Beyond that, I'm done.
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