Sunday, January 16, 2011

Renewed Existence

Hello! Surprisingly, you've found this blog site OR you are one of the few people who actually read this when you realize that I posted something. So, know that this is merely going to be a rant about life in general (and some specifics) of the past few weeks. Lol.

First, in case you haven't seen me in quite some time, I am no longer covering my head. This is between God and I...So, I really don't know why He has asked me to uncover, but I leave it to Him to tell me if need be. :)

Also, I've been having some health issues...I was truly feeling like I was an old lady. I was achy and didn't feel like doing much of anything (mainly because it hurt to do anything). Had one doctor tell me that it was because of tension caused by my headaches caused by depression. While he is treating me as such, I don't believe him...mainly because nothing has changed. And so I went to a different doctor, who ran blood tests...Determined my Vitamin D level was extremely deficient. I've been on vitamin D supplements for about a week now...It's only gotten a little better, and I think that's only because my dosage of a muscle relaxer has increased. Hoping the second dose of vitamin D (on Tuesday) will help again. Although, the high dose of vitamin D makes me sick after taking it. SO....I don't know. We'll see. Had some drama that came with all the health issues...But, here is not the place for that.... :) As for the migraines...Only had one since I was put on new meds. Lol...Making progress since it's been two weeks!!! :)

Other things to ramble about...Oh...I have two of the most AMAZING people in the entire world who have stuck with me through this craziness. I call them my besties. :) They make my life so much better...Can't imagine doing life without 'em!

I am still working on getting my stuff together to begin the candidacy process to become a pastor...Actually, I'm not working on it. It's pretty stagnate. I haven't done much for the last couple months. Guess it's time to get back on it. Lol.

School is ridiculous right now. EVEN THOUGH it's only been a week. Lol. Guess I'm still trying to get in the hang of being away from my hometown after being home for such a long Christmas break. It doesn't help that I've had a long weekend this weekend, SO I only have classes two days this week. :)

Ummm....I can't think of anything else to rant about right there. That's your update.....

OH WAIT...Haha....So the title is regarding the renewal that I've had the last few days. Five days ago, I went through my Facebook page and deleted a lot of junk that people (who don't really know me, or even those who kinda know me or know me and don't care) don't need to know. So, anything regarding my health was deleted. Determined that FB isn't going to be the place that I vent that. And, I don't know if I will even write it on here. I've decided that it only fuels negative energy for me, and most people really don't care....So, those who do care can talk to me in person! :) But, again...renewal. I'm really bad about rambling today...sorry. God and I have kind of been in a, for the last year or so. Yes, I've done a lot of growing, but it definitely wasn't because I wanted to. It was kind of ridiculous. But a few conversations with a couple friends really caused me to move past all my stubbornness and, it's a work in progress. You may actually get updated on that stuff. Lol. Anyhow....I'm done now. Yup.

Adios! :) Thanks for reading! Comment away if you'd like!

PS...I have a random fear of being left alone in random places without a GPS. Now, what does that tell you about today's addiction to technology?!

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