If you've ever talked to me about what I want to be when I grow up, I've probably given you a whole slew of things - preacher, teacher, librarian, counselor, and the list goes on! Basically, I'm a life-long student accruing three lifetimes worth of debt. However, with each closing moment, I come closer and closer to figuring out what I actually want to be when I grow up! I'm only a quarter of a century old - I still have time, right?!
Here's the shindig...I know you've seen the posts about graduate school this and graduate school that. I didn't want to announce it too early in case it wouldn't work out orrrrr I change my mind again. However, I'm set on doing this program for several reasons.
1) I love teaching. Anything and everything! Whether that is languages, history, Biblical stories, math, etc. If I don't already know it - I'll find out - which leads me to.....
2) I love learning. ALSO anything and everything......well, almost. I get bored super easily. I need a profession where I'm consistently being asked to grow, develop, make steps up the ladder, etc.
3) Psychology has provided me the perfect foundation for this program. Some of you think I wasted years on a degree I'll never use. NOT TRUE. I use psychology all the time in my work life, and even in my personal life. I did score pretty well in my persuasion class and that personality class lets me know just who of you will actually read this. Not only that but cognitive psychology and developmental psychology are good courses to take when you need a foundation in.....
EDUCATION. (But her bachelor's isn't in education - how is she going into education?!) I'll be getting my Master's in Teaching which through some extra foundational courses, I'll be able to apply for certification with DESE. I'll specialize in Special Education with an elementary content emphasis, most likely. (That part could change pretty easily depending on where I attend school.) Schools being considered are Webster University (attended their information session tonight and was extremely impressed AND got a free tumbler), UMSL, and Fontbonne University. Ultimately, I'd like the face-to-face programs however I'd like to retain my current job until I can teach. Some universities offer it online, however I'm leaning away from them as I just completed most of my bachelor's online. I'd like some sort of face-to-face interaction with people.
Some of you will protest and think I was so close to having a "real career" - why go back to school and start all over?
1) Psychology is a terrible degree alone as a bachelor's. YOU HAVE TO GO TO GRADUATE SCHOOL TO DO ANYTHING COOL WITH IT! Sure, I could have gotten a job, maybe, and made more money to do more work and worked an 8am to 5pm job while juggling graduate school. OR, I could pursue something I really love, even if I have NO educational background other than work.
2) I didn't love any choice I had already been pursuing or it wasn't right for my family. Counselor? Sure, it would have been fine in about 5 years when I was done with graduate school, provisional experience, and had a usual job. But I couldn't even write the essays on my professional career goals or why I wanted to be a counselor without way more thought than I should have. Pastor? That may not be the best thing for my family right now, or ever, and who says I can't be crazy involved in church and still teach?! HELLO?! I'll have weekends and summers off! Hello summer camps and mission trips?!
3) I'm technically not starting over. My two years of work experience have given me a ton of experience and an idea of what the job is like (the good and the not so good). My psychology degree gives me a good foundation. I love working with people with disabilities. I love their behaviors. I love them, just as kids. The schooling will not take as long as everyone imagines...And I'll start out with master's pay (not a bad gig). Sooner or later, I'll be at some back to school banquet and I'll be announcing my 25th year of teaching. And it will be amazing.
To all of you who thought I should have gone into education in the first place: Be patient with me. I'm learning who I am and the potential I have to change the world one small step at a time. Expect big things, because I imagine God will do incredible things if we are only open to the possibilities.
It might be the roundabout way. But sooner or later, I'll reach my destination. And really, it's the journey that makes it fun, right?!
Gosh I love you! It's amazing what God does by putting us right where we need to be, when we need to be there! All of life is part of the plan and I know you are following His plans by the gentle nudges we receive from Him! Every bit of education and life experience shapes us to who we are supposed to be! I am always so proud of you!