Friday, October 12, 2012


So I am learning a ton these days!!! Learning is awesome though because it means there is always something new. Whether it is at work, in relationships, or in your spiritual life, it keeps things afresh! I'll break it down for ya!

I'm now full time!!!! As of September 24th, I have worked 40 hour weeks! Which is awesome and busy and really crazy!!! God has so blessed us by allowing this full time position to open up and giving me the opportunity to work 12 more hours each week and get paid to do it!!! On top of that, I have benefits that will start sometime in November! So that will also be a blessing to my very supportive dad who will no longer have to carry me on his insurance plans. At work, I am getting ready to train for therapy so I can do physical therapy with the guys and be able to switch up my day a bit! Like I said, the learning never ends. I make mistakes at work, but I have an awesome team who can brush it off pretty easily though I still wonder about some. Lol. My clients are getting to know me and I'm loving them more and more. Some days are rougher than others (for instance today was pretty darn awful for a Friday) but I always make it through and I'm grateful I'm in a job that has a direct impact on a person's life. I can listen to Joy FM and have that kind of an influence on these people amidst the chaos of this world and their lives. (which are truly not their own). Thank You Jesus for my work!

I have some pain. But no where near where it was. Lol. I'm starting to work out/run again. It's a slow and honestly painful process since I haven't done it in so long. But I'd love to be able to run a 5K race in the spring. Mom might do it with me too!!! I can only hope that I'll be ready in time! As for doctors and medicines: I have had none in quite some time. Which is a blessing on the finances but my doctors are begging to see me. I'll see them when I can. Right now, I wanna lose some of that weight I have ever much of on my body.

Right now, I am almost convinced that God will not have me finish my degree. *Gasp* I know. I'm such a disappointment to all you who thought I'd do crazy things in this world. But let me tell you, I'm still gonna be doing crazy things. Which brings me to...

I know God is calling me to pastor. As much as I have tried to ignore it and walk away, it's still there. That calling is still strong upon my life. And I don't think God will take me back to school to do it. I think He gave me the opportunity to take the classes I needed (like communication classes, religious studies, and biblical Hebrew) and the opportunity to see how a small ministry runs with my campus ministry. The things I gleaned from my college years are well worth it even if I don't have a fancy paper. And I'm trying to not regret dropping out because I know God ordained those steps, but i won't says its been an easy conclusion to come to with family and friends wanting to know what I'm doing with my life. Lol. I hope they can see the good I have in my work and in my ministry that I do and will do. Jesus definitely took control when I asked Him too and to me control was having a degree. Clearly He is showing me that I can be equipped for the journey without a degree. Which I always hoped for, but never admitted to myself.
Now, I know I'm young, but I have known of my call since I was in middle school and high school. The years that I've grown in Christ make it worthwhile to say that I'm confident that God has called me in this direction. I don't know when the "process" will start but I know He is already equipping me. I am learning more than ever before and I'm being challenged daily by Christians as well as Christ Himself. I'm discerning the steps I ought to take before I become a member of the church. I am listening to the still, small voice that calls out to me in the darkest hours causing renewed faith in His plan. I'm learning to walk in His ways for His thoughts are not my thoughts nor are His ways my ways (Is 55:8). I'm in a waiting period before God has called me to action and I am learning how to behave and live a Godly life. A life that is acceptable before God and able to lead people to God!
Worship is vibrant and alive. I ran in church on Sunday. Yes, during worship and praise I ran around the church. I jumped. Sang. Shouted. Laughed. Danced even! To know that I looked like a fool online for God is almost comforting. Haha. It means pride is dying and authenticity is growing. It means I'm not gonna hide and stand quietly to worship the God who DIED for me (none the less, rose from the grave!!!!!). Anyway, worship is awesome and I can't tell ya how much I have longed for this moment in my spiritual walk. But like I said 15 jillion times already, I'm learning. I'm learning that if you truly long and desire and "earnestly search" for the deep things of God, He will give them to you. (Heb 11:6, 1 Cor 2:9-16) God will reward you...Now, not always in the way you think they should come, but blessings none the less!!!

I'm making this a separate category because so much of this past week has been about it. It is a simple word, but it has incredible meaning. It is beyond trust to the extent where you're certain when nothing is happening and knowing that God has your best interest at heart. When things don't go your way, it's faith that MUST remind you that your ways are not always God's ways. Faith gives you a renewed spirit of power that keeps you going in Christ even when you're at the battle frontline. When sin comes your way, it is the trust that allows you to know that it is worth recovering from that worthless sin! It's worth the effort and the strife! Learning this has not been easy. And it won't get to be easy breezy! Sure, a bit easier as God and I go deeper, but there is a long way to go! I pray you may find that ounce of faith to get you through that mountain r valley. Know that Christ will always love you regardless. It is only a question of how much we will love Him.

Well, that's about it for now. I'm headed to bed so know that I love you all!!! Feel free to comment wherever!!! :)

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