Friday, March 25, 2011


Today's Readings:
~John 6:26-39
~Proverbs 17
~Romans 14-16

*So whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the one who does not condemn himself by what he approves. But whoever has doubts is condemned if they eat, because their eating is not from faith; and everything that does not come from faith is sin. - Romans 14:22-23 (NIV)


I've determined that the above verses are incredibly intriguing.  Of course, they come after a long exposition where the Apostle Paul is talking about how a man should do what he has made up in his mind to do and that be it.  BUT...don't cause anyone else stumble based on what you do.  Furthermore, if you shake in your beliefs, that's bad.  Follow what you believe, and be done.  I think it is interesting that even EATING should be done in faith.  EVERYTHING should come from faith.  And, I think we honestly take most things on faith.  The fact that I'm sitting on a bed is done by faith.  I assume that when I sit on the bed, it will support me, and even be a lil bit comfy!  :)  We do much out of faith that we hardly realize.  But making sure that we do everything in faith remembering that it all is God!  Otherwise, it is sin.  Kinda crazy to think about.  Still trying to wrap my mind around what that means.
I didn't just want to talk about those verses tonight.  I also wanted to talk about faith in regards to prayer.  You know that phrase, "Be careful what you wish for, cause you just might get it!"  Yes.  I think that can be true with my prayers as well.  A LONG while back, I started praying two very specific prayers.  Well, I just now realized that they totally have "come true."  Haha.  Yes, God definitely granted these wishes, though I gotta admit...they have been a pain in my rear the last few months and I hardly realized it.  I think I resisted much of the change that I had been praying for, which doesn't make sense, but I still did it.  I wondered if I really knew what I was praying for.  Haha.  Anyhow, I will never admit to what these prayers actually were.  So don't ask.  But, I will say that it has been quite the journey since then.  And I think realizing that I actually asked for these things to take place will help the journey through the change.  

Anyhow, tonight is a WAY WAY WAY WAAAAYYYY bad night. My guess is that the gluten free diet thing is actually helping, so me (screwing it up last night) didn't help.  That little bit of pasta was a BAD idea.  Both for my stomach, and apparently my body.  Anyone need a right leg???  Mine might be coming off soon...ha.  Not to mention the rather long walk that we went on too last night.  I shouldn't complain too much, since it was a good time.  But, I am definitely paying for the work and energy it took today.  Blah.  Okay, hands are done now...........

Faith......just a mustard seed.......

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