I've never been real big on change. Actually, I found a TRUE hatred for change my junior year of high school when changing band directors for the third time. I really would rather not face it...but, here's the thing: I can't become anyone different than what I am without it. SO...I'm stuck with its reality! Because of all these areas in my life that need change, I'm starting slow and making my way there...Here's some of the changes and a "proposed" change that I will hopefully decide on tonight:
First off...I went running yesterday. Mostly because I was mad/frustrated, however I ran. I certainly got my exercise in for the day, and I am currently regretting it, as I am sore. I didn't do any sort of exercise today, so shame on me...other than walking to my car/classes. (The shuttle system may have lost a passenger...except when it's icy!) So, progress is being made.
My eating habits have been horrible, primarily because I don't have any "healthy" foods available. I'm working on a new shopping list for the next trip to the grocery store. :)
Lastly...(for tonight)...Jesus and I have been doing better with our devotional times. I have cut back some on the things that I do, and I am learning to focus on Him rather than all the stuff I do for the church. (And about 12 people in the world are saying "Told ya so!" right now!) I am joining the English Society at my university. (Which, I'm pretty excited about!) i really feel like I can make a contribution to the group, and I want to be able to find that place (or group of people) that I can have as friends outside the church...Though, i do hope to share Jesus with them if they don't already know the AMAZING news! :)
Okay...Got side-tracked...Jesus. Okay. Yes. Monday and Tuesday, I did really well getting up, and He got at least 45 minutes each morning. Today, I had an ultimate fail, and so He got about 5 minutes this morning. (Bad...I know.) Tomorrow...(This is actually needing to be decided)...I will DEFINITELY be getting up. At this point in time, it is a matter of how early will I be getting up. My friend (whom I used to do my devotion time with every evening) decided to start doing her devotional time in the morning, and thus we stopped doing them in the evenings. This caused us to stop doing them all together, because she has to do them at FOUR in the morning now!!! RIDONKULOUS!!! Anyhow, we both miss doing devotion time together...And while she is going to keep her time alone in the mornings, I think it might be time for me to live out the aspiring 4am wake up call that I've known about for quite some time. (Yup, Holy Spirit's been workin' on me for a few years now...Lol.)
Honestly, I love being up early in the mornings. HOWEVER, I am not one who is used to it anymore. My college life schedule doesn't comprehend 4am. So, I'm really trying to figure it all out. I might do a test run for tomorrow morning...though I don't think I know how to go to bed at 9:30pm and get up at 4am?! Crazy action! Oh well...I'm really excited about it. I think I could make it work, if i started getting up at 4am and doing devotion, getting ready for the day, homework (what most kids do late at night), and head to classes! Of course, I would HAVE to go to bed at a decent time...But, that is the least of my worries. Resetting my inner clock? Now, that's a challenge!
Okay...That's all for now! Night!
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