Here are a few reasons why I have chosen to cover my head as a Christian woman:
1. “God told me to.” Yes, this is a simple answer, but you can’t deny its truth unless you think I am a crazy lunatic. About a month ago, a friend began seriously looking into covering her head. She felt like God was asking her to take 1 Corinthians 11 literally, so she and I started talking about it. As she began looking into it, I did too. I had read the Scripture in the past, yet had taken the head covering as something of the Corinthian culture. As I looked deeper, I found that it did not seem to be so connected with the culture; I found that it was very possible that God could be asking women to cover their heads today. Up until about 100 years ago, women covered their heads. It wasn’t just in church either. They would wear a head covering all day, whether they were inside the home or outside. If it was only a thing of the Corinthian culture, why would the church’s people continue it for 1900 years?! Because of the radical changes in society, one may think that the culture of today has altogether dropped the head covering, yet there are still many women who cover their heads (even in the United States) because of this Scripture. Further than that, I feel that I am sinning against God if I am not wearing it. After praying about it and researching it like crazy, I believe that it is something that Christian women (even today) should follow. Now that I believe that it is correct for women to cover their heads and that it was not merely a cultural practice, I must wear it. When I don’t have my cover on, I feel that constant nudge from the Holy Spirit asking, “Where is your cover? Cover your head.” It pains me to know that something as simple (though some days it seems like a mountain) as covering my head can be disobedient to the ONE who loves me so much as to die for me on a cross! John 14:21 has carried me through this first week of wearing a head covering…“Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show Myself to him” (NIV)……I wear it for Jesus.
2. It’s biblical. SO…What is this Scripture?! 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 will give you the entire context of it…But verses 5 and 6 are the heart of head covering for Christian women. It reads, “And every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head-it is just as though her head were shaved. If a woman does not cover her head, she should have her hair cut off; and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head” (NIV). Now, I am not an expert by any means, but I would say that most women like, if not love, having hair! I would rather have my hair covered, than to have no hair. I also realize that 1 Thessalonians 5:17 asks Christians to “Pray unceasingly.” So for a woman to only wear her head covering when she prays…Well, that pretty much implies all the time! Hence why I cover my head from morning until night. (I don’t sleep with it on. Haha.)
3. I like it. The first time my five-year-old brother saw me with it on, he said, “You look funny!” I said the same thing the first time I looked at myself! It definitely took a few glances to get used to it. But now that I wear it all the time and most people know, I am completely content with wearing it. I feel more grounded in my faith. It reminds me to be modest in my dress. Wearing a head covering is definitely an outward sign that I practice my religion. Yes, some see me with it on and think “Muslim.” I wear a cross every day too…so if people really do look, hopefully they will realize that I am a Christian, not a Muslim. And if people know me, they know that I am MOST DEFINITELY a Christian! I really don’t want my cover to bring attention to me because that isn’t why I wear it. I wear it for Jesus. If I wore it for people, I really would be a lunatic! It isn’t easy spending 19 years of your life without a cover, and then introducing the idea to family, friends, church families, and even strangers that are brave enough to ask. Know that I look for support in following what God has asked me to do…I do not ask for permission to wear my cover. Another reason that I like wearing it (this one is kind of silly), I NEVER HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT A BAD HAIR DAY! I get up in the morning, decide what to wear, and choose a scarf. I shower at night so that my hair is dry by morning so I do not ruin my hair by putting it up wet, or having to blow dry it (which also ruins it). It has become a routine that keeps me focused on God in the morning as I wrap the scarf…YET I will never forget why I wear it. I think the scarves are comfortable to wear…especially the way that I choose to wear them. However, I still know that one is on my head…I can feel the weight of it and it reminds me throughout the day to constantly be in prayer and fellowship with God. It keeps me accountable to my actions and words. I recognize sin in my life in a very real and convicting way. (Some would consider this a downfall, but sin separates us from God…and that isn’t something I want.) I really do like wearing my head covering. I wear it for Jesus in order to obey the commands laid out in the Bible.
I am always up for questions, but I’m not good with bashing. This is something God has called me to do, and if you don’t agree…that’s okay. But, please watch your words. Ask and comment away!
PS…“Radical - of or from the root or roots; going to the foundation or source of something; fundamental; basic” (Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 1996).
God bless you for your obediance to the Scriptures.
ReplyDeleteAs I see it, its not a matter of being called do this, but submitting to a clear New Testament command.
Thank you for this! Really encouraged me to wear a headscarf too. :) You're a beautiful human.
ReplyDeleteYES the past few years even when I was backslid I felt an irrational urge to cover my hair. Then few months ago I begin to really delve into the scriptures and it's very plain to me. It's odd, I don't feel conviction about wearing pants or even a light coat of makeup. But the Head Covering is absolutely essential for our walk with the Lord. I don't know how satan was able to get into the church and deceive women into thinking that it doesn't matter, but it matters more now than ever in these times. It's awesome that you found this at a young age. God bless and keep you and your family:)
ReplyDeleteI too wear a headcover. For 8 years amongst the amish mennonites and when i left, I stopped for 4 years and then started up again a year ago and still wear one. I struggle sometimes asking myself why do I wear it again? I would like us to be friends in hopes that your conviction can strenghten mine as I am the only one in my corner who covers. My email is pommomsuzyq@gmail.com
hope to hear from you :)
Ginny Jenkins
Hi, I am a Christian who wishes to cover to deepen my faith. This entry has helped me to get the courage and faith to do so despite what people may think of me. I was worried so long about other people (especially since i am a highschool student) I now have courage to no longer ignore what i know God is telling me to do! God bless ♡♡♡ and thank you :)
ReplyDeleteI have started head covering too and want to reach out in support. Sometimes I find it hard. The other day I was at the shops and a non Christian saw me just as I was trying to re-wrap my head as it had untangled off my head. I was wearing a long skirt. My standard dress code for years has been short cut offs and a singlet or a short 50s style dress with my long hair wavy. I love tichels but at the same time I know that all these people around town are feel my head covering screams. We had new friends over for dinner last night and they had their gorgeous long locks out. I felt I could have gone without it as they are women but knew that I would want to cover for prayer at meal time and when they left. In my self consciousness I felt like they didn't quite relax and feel as natural with me as otherwise would have. Please pray for me about this. I think it is beautiful that you have chosen to honor YHWH with this action <3 <3 <3