Today, I drove to Nashville, TN, for a conference. So, like most - I plugged the address into Siri Maps and started following the directions. It was simple. Except, right off the bat, my directions took me straight for a road closure. DANG ITTTTT.

Detour signs. Great. Follow the detour signs. But, the Maps app went crazy - "Make a u-turn and proceed to the route." Over, and over, and over. It wanted me to route back. It wanted me to go around the block. It even tried to take me to a different exit up the road where it was STILL closed.
It was NOT easy hearing its repetitiveness in attempts while following the detour signs. It went blabbing on about proceeding to the route while I was conscientiously trying to follow the detour signs taking me in the opposite way!
How often do we encounter this struggle though? We know where we are headed and what God has called us to do. But, the route we thought we'd take (ya know, the quick and convenient one) is closed. So, we get discouraged. Sometimes, some of us totally give up. "Well, I guess it wasn't meant to be." Others of us start following the detour signs to route us around the mess. However, it can be so hard to follow the signs with all the other voices - media, expectations of others, distractions, our own expectations, etc. Sometimes, we give in there. "That seems like it'll get me there faster....let's try it." Or sometimes, we give into our own stubbornness or well-meaning nostalgia. "Well that's not working, so I'll just do it my way" or "It worked before." (Any of ya driven on a closed road or bridge that's worked before?)
I truly wonder how many of us (myself included) miss cool, historic buildings and innovative, soul-crushing graffiti because we're not following the detour conscientiously.
Ever noticed how a detour isn't all mapped out right at the beginning? You literally just drive until you see the next sign to turn or a nice affirmation to continue straight. You follow the signs because you know 100% that you'll get where you need to be. SO, why are we so resistant to follow the detours in our lives? Why do we doubt God's desire to get us where we need to be?! Why are we so set on knowing exactly how we will reach the end goal that we forget to enjoy the journey? What are we missing in the midst of our anxiety in the uncertainty of every twist and turn? Why does it take so much convincing on God's part that God remains present?
Oh - and just because the detour is mapped out step-by-step does not mean that it is all easy?! It may still take us to uncomfy places, unexpected stops (like a train), or add time that wasn't planned. BUT, the need for a detour in your life does not mean that it will put ya off track totally. It just makes you more reliant on God with a greater appreciation for the turn-by-turn signs in our lives.
So, where are you headed so anxiously? What are you missing in the meantime? Where is God?
Psalm 25:4-5 (NLT)
"Show me the right path, O Lord;
point out the road for me to follow.
Lead me by your truth and teach me,
for you are the God who saves me.
All day long I put my hope in you."