I want to start something.And it’s not my paper that I should be writing.I want it to be creative and effective.It doesn’t have to be a new idea…just something new to where I’m at in life.I don’t know whether it is just new to me or whether it is new to a group.But, I want to start something.I was some new phase to begin.While I wish I were starting a job or group, I am not.Boo.
I guess this may arise out of my longing to make a difference in this world.Ya know, it’s the longing that every person who ever lived had…yet we only remember a few of them.Yet, I know that I can only make a difference within my life and the lives of those around me on this college campus.Yet, I still want to start something.
Any ideas?!Suggestions?!That’s all.Now, I must do my homework…
Today, I had the privilege to preach at Elsberry UMC. Overall, I think it went really well. We used PowerPoint...GASP! But, I think everyone really enjoyed it by the end! Plus, my best friend, Julie, was able to come and pray with me beforehand which made it all the more fun! But, for those of you who weren't able to come...I wanted to post it online! So...Here's the sermon entitled: Thriving Tradition...First Scripture read was 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17...Second Scripture is Revelation 3:1-3 (MSG translation)...
Again, for those of you who don’t know me, my name is Samantha Fomera.I grew up in this church, and I still love coming back to see all of you!As I have been preparing this morning’s message, I kept coming back to this idea of what’s traditional.I guess you could say that I go to one of those “hip” churches now.It’s the United Methodist church that has really loud music, lots of people, including kids, and five services!Most people don’t consider it a very “traditional” church.This made me wonder what exactly the word traditional means.Because I have a quality education, I know that traditional stems from the word tradition.And because I love my giant dictionary of over 1500 pages, I looked it up!So, here’s what I came up with...Tradition is a long-established custom or practice that has the effect of an unwritten law.So I had a general idea that I was going to talk about tradition when I came to speak to you…wasn’t really sure about much else.Because I like being fancy, when Pastor Paul asked me what I wanted to name the sermon, I said the first adjective that popped into my mind that began with the letter “t.”That happened to be the word “Thriving.”This idea of “thriving tradition” stuck with me the past couple of weeks as I’ve been thinking and praying…Now, I never know what God might send my way when I say yes to teaching a group of people…But, I didn’t think He was going to send me a bunch of numbers…turns out, that’s exactly what He sent!
Within my campus ministry, I have a group of college students that meet every week to grow together and in our relationship with God…And recently, we have been talking about what seems to be this post-Christian culture.A culture that doesn’t put God into everything they do…but a culture that separates not just Christianity, but religion as a whole, and puts it into their box…it’s a thing to do on Sunday mornings.So, in this post-Christian culture, a group called the Barna Group did a research study that I found to be really interesting.They asked a large group of outsiders, people who don’t call themselves Christians, ages 16-29, to rate a set of phrases as they pertained to present day Christianity.Some of these statistics may come as a surprise, others may not.Here’s what they found…
87% of these outsiders said that Christians are judgmental.
85% said that Christians are hypocritical – saying one thing, and doing another.
And here are the ones that I really cringed at as I was thinking of thriving tradition…
72% said that we are out of touch with reality,
68% said that we are boring, and
78% said that we are OLD-FASHIONED!
Obviously, outsiders do not see present-day Christianity as thriving.And, I gotta say, that even as a young person in the church…that scares me.Not many pastors preach on Revelation, but I’m going to bring it in this morning…Here are the words from Revelation 3, verses one through three, and verse six out of the Message translation…
“Write this to Sardis, to the Angel of the church.The One holding the Seven Spirits of God in one hand, a firm grip on the Seven Starts with the other, speaks:
‘I see right through your work.You have a reputation for vigor and zest, but you’re dead, stone dead.Up on your feet!Take a deep breath!Maybe there’s life in you yet.But I wouldn’t know it by looking at your busywork; nothing of God’s work has been completed.Your condition is desperate.Think of the gift you once had in your hands, the Message you heard with your ears – grasp it again and turn back to God.If you pull the covers back over your head and sleep on, oblivious to God, I’ll return when you least expect it, break into your life like a thief in the night.”
From what I gathered from the commentaries and books I have read, Sardis was a church that is like sooo many churches today.They get busy doing lots of things, or even just a few, and they forget why they are doing it.This church in Sardis had forgotten to keep the main thing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as being number one in their priorities.They forgot about the ultimate tradition that Jesus put in place, to go out and make disciples of all nations.
Ya know, I really don’t like automatic toilets…I’ve always been scared of them.Unfortunately, they are all over campus…especially the over-reactive ones.They are the toilets who go off before you do anything, while you are takin’ care of business, and after you are done!It’s not like they do anything other than flush!They just sit there!People are like automatic toilets too!They do the same thing over and over.Sometimes, they do the same thing over when it isn’t even needed!Now, that’s great if it’s an awesome tradition, right?!Then why do outsiders consider us boring, out of touch with reality, and old-fashioned!?My guess is that we aren’t thriving at our traditions, the traditions of the church.We may even be stuck in the same rut that we have been in for quite some time, like an automatic toilet.
Along with the definition of a tradition, I also found the definition for traditionalism.Traditionalism is the EXCESSIVE ATTACHMENT to a tradition.So, it’s an easy cure…we just have to make sure our traditions are good and thriving!Since we are into the dictionary, to thrive is to be prospering, growing, successful, and effective.
So, what are some traditions worth being excessively attached to?At my church, we have what are called LifeGroups.LifeGroups are small groups specifically designed to work like the early church did, kind of like house churches.They are based off of Acts 2:42 “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”They gathered together to eat, talk about life including Jesus, and pray.It was effective in the early church, and it has been effective in my church too.LifeGroup has become a thriving tradition that I hold onto as I meet with my group every other Monday night.Traditions of fellowship, prayer, study, and missions are all very important to becoming closer to God.Traditions are meant to bring us closer to God, rather than to keep things the way they have always been!
What are some traditions you can practice to bring you closer to God?How about the mission…the mission to make disciples...To teach others about the Word of God?Or maybe it’s to help with our tradition of vacation bible school?Perhaps you can become addicted to reading the bible…Or to prayer.Maybe, you can start a tradition for yourself of doing more mission work…or planning a retreat for women, men, or youth or starting a LifeGroup, or similar small group to go through life together and study Scripture and pray.Once you find your niche – what tradition you really love, go at it, and allow it to be molded for God’s purposes…for His work.
I know I didn’t talk much about our 2 Thessalonians Scripture, but here’s where it ties in…God will strengthen us through the process.Verse 16 out of the message: “May Jesus Himself and God our Father, who reached out in love and surprised you with gifs of unending help and confidence, put a fresh heart in you, invigorate your work, enliven your speech.”A fresh heart definitely doesn’t sound dead to me!
This week, I have been house- and dog-sitting for a couple at my church.They told me that I only had to take care of the dogs…that the fish, rabbits, bearded dragon lizard, and the house plants would be fine until they returned.But sure enough…a day or two into it, one of the plants started lookin’ pretty droopy!Now, I do not have a green thumb what-so-ever.I tried to grow strawberries once, and I failed miserably.So, I had a choice…I could remind myself that it isn’t my responsibility to take care of that plant to make it grow, or I can see if the one thing I know how to do will help…that is, give it a drink of water.That simple act of giving the plant a drink of water helped that plant to perk up in no time.I did what I could to help it…and God make it grow!
God can do the same thing with our churches and the same thing with our spiritual lives if we let Him.We are partners with God to help others know the changing power of God’s love.We are partners with God to help those in need, including houseplants.We are partners with God for becoming coffee that slowly changes into yummy goodness, rather than over-reactive toilets that sit and do the same thing over and over again.We are partners with God who are to carry out traditions that thrive…always keeping the main mission in mind.To make disciples of Jesus Christ.And to do it until the end.
I encourage you to find a thriving tradition, one that you can become excessively attached to for the kingdom of God, and stand firm.Allow God to change your life, so that you can be a blessing to others.
Let’s pray…
“God, I ask that you would come into our lives today…and show us exactly what tradition we need to hold on tight to.God, allow us to give up any traditions that may be like an over-reactive toilet to us.And show us what new tradition you might have us create.Be in our traditions and help them thrive.For it is in Your name we pray…Amen.”
This week is SUPER busy for me. I have a test today, one on Wednesday, one on Friday, and another on Monday! I only have three classes! I still have to watch all of the lectures for one of my classes (as well as read three chapters of the textbook), and read many chapters of a different text, as well as keep up in my actual class that I have to attend. I still have to write/prepare a sermon to give on Sunday. Go grocery shopping. Take care of stuff for my apartment for the fall. AND...Do stuff with Green Room Campus Ministry!
Life is crazy right now!!! And...I'm not sure I'm going to get a break anytime soon!
My weekend wasn't too bad...but it definitely did not help me to relax enough to be ready for this crazy week. And on top of that...I despise summer weather! I don't like the heat. Someday, I will live up north...Not liking all this heat and humidity! Oh well...I guess I'll live.
I'm used to being busy, but this much in a short amount of time, requiring excellence, is stressing me out! Relying on God to pull me through this week...
“Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him.”
- John 14:21 (NIV)
The drive to Florida is not exactly a short, easy ride. In fact, it took us 17.5 hours to get there (and the same to get back). I cannot say that the “Obie” sign appeared HOURS upon HOURS down the road. It was about three or four hours away from home. And I know of only one place that has an “Obie” sign - Illinois. And, only “truckers” would notice such signs. Now, once you discover the truth behind the “Obie” sign, you may realize that you have seen many. The “Obie” sign is generally white with black lettering. BUT...not all signs that are white with black lettering are “Obie” signs. “Obie” signs must have the word “OBEY” on them.
Now, you probably are thinking that I am COMPLETELY CRAZY!! I am. And now that the matter of craziness is taken care of...let’s get back to business.
Here’s what happened...We were driving rather fast, and I saw a sign that said “Obey Lane Signals.” I asked my dad what “Obie” meant. He didn’t understand what I was saying. I was convinced that maybe it was something only “truckers” would know about. He asked me what I was talking about...And I said that I had seen a sign that had said “Obie” lane signals.” He laughed. I didn’t understand why. It was a serious question. “You mean O-B-E-Y...obey?” he replied. “Ohhhh...Obey!!!” I said, laughing at myself. “Obie” signs became famous...My siblings went crazy because I wanted a picture of an “Obie” sign and they didn’t know what such a thing was. My dad and I kept the secret away from the sibs for almost the entire trip until we were back in Illinois.
I interpreted the sign to say “Obie” and pronounced it like it would rhyme with “opie.” I figured “Obie” was some fancy word when I was merely interpreting obey as something more complex than it needed to be. I pictured it as so much more than what it was supposed to be. It was merely a sign that pointed towards something that the driver needed to do. Obey something that we already should know to obey. God has told us throughout the entire Bible to obey Him and we would have better lives, but we often get confused and see something more complex than what it is...All He wants is our love and devotion. And as we draw near to Him, His instruction will become clearer to us.
Get what you might from the story of the “Obie” sign, but might I warn you from what I have learned. First off...Don’t ever think that “Obie” signs are just for other people. Learn to understand the things of other cultures. Secondly, if you don’t know something, ask. Even if they laugh at you, you will still know the information! Thirdly, once you’re the expert regarding something...share the fun. Until now, no one outside the four of us on the trip knew what an “Obie” sign is...Now anyone with access to the World Wide Web can know. But, it’s best done in person...Just sayin’!
And most importantly, learn how to read, or else you will learn more than a spelling lesson...
Twenty years, eight months, and nine days ago, a decision was made by my parents to get married. A decision that has shaped and molded my life...and actually brought me into existence. Somehow, that decision is no longer valid. The decision to love and to cherish one another is over. The decision to love each other for better, for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health...all of that is over. Somehow, they fell out of love...or at least one of them did. I still don't understand how people can be married to each other, live in the same house with each other, make and raise children with each other, and then one day decide to no longer love. I finally agree with one of my friends here at school..."Love is a decision, not an emotion."
It's strange to think that from now on (if they actually go through with this set court date of today), my parents are no longer married. I'm actually a kid of divorced parents. You know in school, when teachers used to always tell us to tell our parents something...I was one of the few students who were able to say to a classmate: "Yeah, my mom and dad are still married." I was proud to be the "owner" of two parents who were still married when over half of my friends in high school have divorced parents. I felt bad for them, and I still do. I didn't understand how a kid could make it through school without one's parents being together. I can only imagine how stressed I would have been around graduation time, or even for one of my many flute performances...having to tell both parents...hoping that one of them might not show up for fear of another argument. I still am not sure how that is going to work down the road for the rest of the sibs and even for my college stuff. Oh well...guess we'll find out soon enough.
Today is like a normal day, except two people will, once again, do something that will forever change my life, but not my dreams of the person I want to become...
Psalm 119: 11 (NIV) - “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”
As I was getting ready for church this morning, I pulled out my handy dandy iPhone.I opened it to the Bible app and scrolled through the book of Psalm.Now, I am definitely not the expert on where is what in the Bible…but as I scrolled I tried to remember what verses of hope I could find in each chapter.
Here’s the first few…
Psalm 1 - it’s always used at funerals.Still not sure why.
Psalm 22 - Good Friday anyone?
Psalm 23 - I think I memorized that one in Sunday School when I was five.
Psalm 46 - There’s a verse in there that I have on a plaque setting on my desk…oh, what was that verse?!
Pitiful, isn’t it.Ha.It’s like I have gone memory blank, rather than stored up a memory bank.Now, it isn’t like my brain hasn’t been memorizing things.Since the last time I can remember memorizing a verse of God’s Word I have also memorized…
Not only the states and capitals, but also the states and capitals of Canada AND all the countries and their capitals for the entire globe!
The twelve major scales…as well as the natural, harmonic, and melodic minor scales…and intervals, chords, and other musical things like that.
A list of history terms.
A long list of elements and where they are on the periodic table. (Thanks, Mrs. Heitman!)
And lots of other “really useful information.”
Now, I gotta say that in the past three months…I have used one of those useful things that I memorized…AND THAT’S ONLY BECAUSE I DID COLLEGE BAND!!!Ha.It’s horrible.How many of us say that we want to know God and that we want to stop sinning, but we can’t even remember what God classifies as a sin!? God wants us to know His Word backwards and forwards because within it…that’s where knowledge about Him lies.
I know as a college student, I still cringe at the thought of reading another BIG book.Nonetheless, the Bible is God’s gift to us.I heard in Sunday School as a kid that the Bible was a big guide to living.(It’s like the manual that no one ever reads, until something goes wrong…And even then, you just look on the back to see the customer service number that you call, hoping that they would fix your problem!)If it’s our guide to living, don’t you think we should at least read it?From my past knowledge, it tends to be an interesting read…with wars, adventure, romance, death and dying, yet it has an EXCELLENT ending…
Go ahead this morning, and give it a try!Open it up…and melt away in God’s never-ending love for His people…Melt away in His love for YOU…
Articles may not be printed in any “for profit” publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via e-mail, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web Site information intact with copied articles.
“When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, ‘Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?’
‘Yes, Lord’ he said, ‘you know that I love you.’
Jesus said, ‘Feed my lambs.’
Again Jesus said, ‘Simon son of John, do you truly love me?’
He answered, ‘Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.’
Jesus said, ‘Take care of my sheep.’
The third time he said to him, ‘Simon son of John, do you love me?’
Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, ‘Do you love me?’He said, ‘Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.’
Jesus said, ‘Feed my sheep.’”
- John 21:15-17 (NIV)
I am currently searching for a job.A part-time job.A job that I can work and go to school with.A job that can use my past experience.A job that is only about 20-25 hours a week.A job that is preferably not flipping burgers.Just sayin’.Do you know how many questions you are asked when applying for a job???It is a ridiculous number!
For example, today, I went to apply for a front desk position at a hotel.The worker at the desk not only had to ask me to fill out a two page application on my entire life, but also made me repeat at least half of what was already on there…Part-time or full-time?How many hours?What kind of work have you done in the past?Have you already received your Bachelor of Arts?And not only that, she had an accent that made communication fairly difficult!Now, I held on pretty well for the long list of questions, but as I left, I felt extremely tired.
As I drove back home, I was reminded of the story of Jesus and Peter above.(Here, Peter is called by his “official” name – Simon son of John.)Jesus continually asks only one question…Do you love me?That’s it.The magical question isn’t “Do you read your Bible every day?”“Do you pray often?”“Do you take up space in a pew every Sunday morning?”No…Jesus doesn’t ask those questions.Yes, those practices are important to being a disciple of Jesus…but those acts come out of our love for Jesus and our longing to know Him more.
Jesus asks only one question – “Do you love me?”So, do you love Him?Do you love what He did for you and me?I must say that Jesus was the only one that has ever died for me and all my mistakes!Do you answer the question like Simon Peter, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you”?
After answering one question…not twenty-five, as well as an interview process, as well as…well, you get the point.After that one critical question of “Do you love me?” we are given our job description – “Feed My sheep.”
Are you in need of answering the one question Jesus asks us?If you have, are you fulfilling your job description as a disciple of Jesus?It’s one of the most fulfilling jobs out there! (And the eternal benefits are GREAT!)Answer the question…and join the rest of us who said…YES LORD; You know that I love YOU!
Articles may not be printed in any “for profit” publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via e-mail, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web Site information intact with copied articles.
Currently, I am enrolled in two online classes and one lecture class. It's summer! And I'm in class. YUCK!
Enrolling in summer classes may not have been the smartest idea, but it was one that kept me away from home when the times are the worst. There are some upsides to it though...It will put me a year ahead in school! I'll graduate before I'm 21 years old! (Still haven't decided whether that is a good thing or a bad thing.) I will save a year's worth of money.
The downsides??? I have classes during the summer. I really won't get a break from classes. I'm away from my family when they could possibly need me the most...though most days, I think they do just fine without me.
My parents are in the final stages of getting a divorce. The court date is quickly approaching. I still am not sure what exactly is going to happen when that date arrives. Eventually, one of my parents will need to find another place to call home.
Home is such a hard word to define. Is it your permanent address? Your postal address? Where your family is? Where you grew up? An old quote says, "Home is where your heart is." Is that a satisfactory definition for home? Why do people say that you have to leave home to find who you truly are?
As my parents' court date knocks on the door, I wonder what home will become for me. Will home be "Mom's place" or "Dad's place"? Even if one of the parents retain the house that my family built 12 years ago that I grew up in, will it still be home? Will home become wherever I currently reside? Campus? I ask myself, "Where is my heart? Maybe that's where my home is..." I get no response.
I don't know who wrote the song, but it's words have been stuck in my head for days! "If home is where my heart is, then I'm out of place...I've never been more homesick than now."
Maybe existing as a college student gives me the right to call campus my home. Or maybe that's easier than saying that my home isn't even on this earth...maybe you really do have to be kicked out of the nest to find your home in the heavens...
Existing as a college student makes me feel like a bird...the freedom that a bird has to fly wherever it might, always realizing one's physical limitations but defying gravity all at the same time...And knowing that God will always provide a nest whenever one needs a break from flight...
Hi! I've been writing since the beginning of my time. I have been writing my life story...my life's existence since the day I was born. And, so have you. I want this blog to be a place where I can share anything and everything about my existence on this earth. Some of it will be amazing stories, some not so amazing. The very title of this blog, Reclaimed Existence, is exactly what my life is on this earth...It is what God has done for me and many others on this planet. He has salvaged us and helps us become who He created us to be! As I debated names, I kept coming back to this idea that I have been made new...which means that at one point in time, I was old, broken, worn-down. I thought about the name "Salvage Stories" which emphasizes the rescuing grace of God. But, I felt it needed something more...God didn't just rescue me. God claimed me! And, all I have to do now is accept that He claimed me - Hence the "Reclaimed." I've never stopped existing...But now, I exist for God's purpose and through God's claim on my life! He is, in fact, the CREATOR OF THIS BEAUTIFUL WORLD!